CO2 Footprint


Sustainable Conduct

The pursuit of sustainability is deeply rooted in the value foundation of EUROPIPE. Our two parent companies, AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke and Salzgitter Mannesmann GmbH, are the pioneers on the way to CO2-neutral steel production in Germany.

With their production processes and products, EUROPIPE is a decisive element for the innovation and future viability of the global energy supply. As a globally active company, responsible action and a regular critical examination of it are the basis for identifying risks and opportunities at an early stage and initiating targeted improvement processes.

With the active prevention of environmental pollution, we contribute to the protection of healthy ecosystems.

Our endeavor is therefore to reduce energy consumption to a maximum, use water resources sustainably and avoid or recycle waste where possible.

Steel pipes from EUROPIPE are the sustainable quality benchmark for product safety over the entire usage period and a synonym for durability. At the end of their life cycle, they are completely recyclable.

We systematically determine the impact of our production processes on the environment in order to reduce the use of resources. In particular, our goal is to continuously reduce our CO2 footprint - both in production and in the transport of our pipes. We continuously develop our established environmental management system in order to continuously improve our environmental balance.

Environmental, social, and governance

Corporate Citizenship

Social action as the basis of society

In a unique co-determination system EUROPIPE’s board, is equally composed of shareholder and employee representativest. EUROPIPE pays appropriate collectively agreed wages and salaries, stands for fair working conditions, union and assembly freedom, diversity and training and development opportunities for our employees.

The compliance with recognized labor standards for occupational safety and health protection are of the highest priority for us. We oppose any form of discrimination as well as any form of child and forced labor.

With responsible corporate governance, EUROPIPE promotes effective management processes and fair business practices. Our corporate policy is based on the consistent compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including the constant fight against corruption, and accompanies this with continuous training and measures as well as a whistleblower system.

Data protection and the protection of personal rights have a special significance. In reporting and disclosing corporate information, we comply with the legal requirements, transparency and traceability.

Health Protection & Safety

EUROPIPE gives highest priority to the health and safety of its employees, contractors and customers. The main aspects of the health and safety system are:

The promotion of health and well-being of our employees, mainly through the health initiative “life! – Simply healthy", a programme which is adapted to the particularities of the pipe production business. It enables all employees, no matter what shifts they work, to use a broad network of sports clubs, company physicians and caterers at low cost. This holistic concept combines sports programmes, preventive medical check-ups, nutrition topics and informative events.

  • Avoiding of work-related sickness through various programmes focussing on creating individual ergonomic workplaces, especially man-machine interfaces.
  • Prevention of accidents through programmes informing staff about correct behaviour and possible hazardous situations, as well as programmes in which all employees actively participate and contribute their ideas on how to avoid accidents.

We ensure for occupational health and safety by:

  • Making occupational health and safety a management responsibility.

  • Identifying risks in all areas of the company and taking preventive action (including emergency plans).

  • Requiring our employees to actively promote and support occupational health and safety for their own sake and for the sake of others.

  • Defining occupational health and safety rules in relation to the places of work; our employees and third-party inspectors are continuously made aware of these rules and receive regular instruction.
  • Making reserves required for the purpose of occupational health and safety an integral part of our planning in order to ensure optimum working conditions and provide each employee with personal protective equipment.
  • Regularly reviewing the efficiency of our occupational health and safety system, establishing statistics and communicating information about the current situation.
  • Encouraging our partners and suppliers to implement similar occupational health and safety systems.

Code of Conduct

Guideline for Proper Behaviour of the EUROPIPE Group

EUROPIPE sets standards: in the interests of our customers, partners, employees and shareholders. These standards encourage our responsability for our corporate activities as we acknowledge our obligation towards society.

This is the reason why we have developed a code of conduct for EUROPIPE Group. Our code of conduct specifies the extent of requirements made to the executive management, the company's senior managers and its employees. We also expect temporary employees, consultants and our suppliers to base their activities upon this code.

We are convinced that in this way we are able to strengthen our foundations for trustworthy honest cooperation both with each other and with our environment. We would be pleased to send you our brochure "Code of Conduct – Guideline for Proper Behaviour of the EUROPIPE Group". Please use the following order form. Alternatively, you can download the PDF version directly.